Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I told you I would change my mind

So I decided today due to even more increases in hop and malt prices that I am going to go ahead and start brewing springs beers after the next brown ale and mild that I plan to do.

So I now plan to brew another brown ale (southern english), a mild (from Jamil's show), then I'm going to do both an American Wheat and then a Honey Kolsch beer. I will post recipes soon. I will probably do the southern english first because I have older extract for that and it will take more aging time than the mild. I'm just going to use a fresh yeast packet for each one as well to try and get the best beer I can get, screw the 1.60 for the yeast.

Recipes for American Wheat and Honey Kolsch (northern brewer kits):

American Wheat:

6 lbs. Wheat LME (1/2 @ 65 min; 1/2 @ 15 min)
1 oz. Williamette Hops (60 min)
1 oz. Cascade Hops (15 min)
Wyeast American Wheat 1010

Honey Kolsch:

6 lbs. Gold LME (65 min)
1 lb. Local Raw Honey (1 min)
1 oz. Mt. Hood Hops (60 min)
Pitch onto yeast cake (or slurry since this yeast probably doesn't floc into a cake really) from above

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