So the lesson from this story, when you put your ice in the sink to cool your wort, make sure to put the stopper in the sink drain as you fill it with water, otherwise your ice melts down the drain and you have no clue how much new ice to put back into the sink. In my case, I put too much, and overcooled the wort (as it goes for my process of adding it to 3 gallons of cold water in the fermenter).
I hope to return from school to a nice brewery smell in my upstairs bathroom.
Update: Fermentation has started within 4 hours of repitching as evidenced by bubbling in airlock (also nice to know that my new fermentation bucket lid/grommet is actually air tight unlike the old one). The temp is up to 68F. So this means either the original yeast just needed to be roused up by shaking the fermenter around, they needed things a little warmer, the repitched yeast have already got it going, or some combination of the above things are occurring. I guess all that matters is that some yeast are alive and hungry, so all is well ..... feast bitches. I suppose if both pitchings of yeast get active now, this might be a pretty rapid fermentation as it it would translate to somewhat of an overpitching with 2 packets of dry yeast in ~5 gallons of 1.051 wort, but I don't think it will be excessive, the final product might just be a little less estery in flavor than a single packet would have been.
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