Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brewing Notes, Southern English Brown (Sun 27apr)

Brewed a southern english style brown ale today.

Recipe used was:

6.0 lbs. Gold LME
.75 lbs. Dark Crystal 80 (Simpson's)
.25 lbs. Caramel 60
.50 lbs. Caramel 120
.50 lbs. Pale Chocolate (Fawcett)
.50 lbs. Briess Special Roast
.25 oz. East Kent Goldings hops (4.5 AA)
.25 oz. Galena hops (13.1 AA)

Pitched it onto ~1/4 to 1/2 of the yeast cake (safale s-04) from the dark mild that I also bottled today.

Original Gravity clocked in at ~1.052, right about where expected (I never measure exactly how much I boil off, because I'm not brewing to absolute specifications at this point, just tasty beer) considering the amount of grains used.

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