Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brewing Notes, American Pale Ale (Saturday 14mar2008)

So I brewed according to plan, steeping grain for 30 minutes around 155-165F.  I went with the altered hop schedule that I had planned.  I even went as far as to attemperate the dry yeast after rehydrating them, a step I normally skip.  

I also added a little more than the normal 2.5 gallons to the boil pot to account for what got absorbed by the steeping grains.  This worked out fine anyways as it helped bump up the wort temperature a little (to ~66F) when the slightly greater amount of concentrated wort was added to the then smaller amount of cold water in the fermentor.  I will consider doing this for all my brews now to have a slightly higher starting temp for the yeasties to get going in.

OG came out at ~ 1.043

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