The given hop schedule of 2 oz. of 6.3% AA Cascade hops at 60, and 1 oz. at 1 minute, gives an estimated 46 IBUs for a beer that is supposed to clock in at 1.044 OG. That pretty freakin bitter for a small beer. I've decided to shoot for a ratio closer to that of Sierra Nevada pale ale (an original, and a favorite of mine), which is close to ~ 1.5:1 gravity points to IBUs.
Using this IBU calculator, which accounts for partial wort boil volumes, I've come up with a new hop schedule using my 3 oz. of 6.3% AA Cascades, for an estimated ~ 30 IBUs. This works with my anticipated OG of 1.044.
1 oz. @ 60
1 oz. @ 10
1 oz. @ 1
This should give a nice balance of bitterness, flavor, and a good hop aroma, appropriate for a smaller gravity APA. If I had some extra hops lyin around, I'd consider dry hopping also, but I don't.
The rest of the recipe is as follows:
6.0 lbs. Gold liquid malt extract
1.0 lbs. Dingemans Caramel Pils (30 minute steep)
1 packet Safale US-05 yeast, rehydrated
I'm hoping to have a nice hoppy delicious pale ale. The one issue I may run into is temperature control, as it is now "spring" in south florida, so our house stay about 73-78F at all times, which is on the high end of this yeast's recommended range. But hey, this is supposed to be a pretty solid, steady yeast that is temp resistant... and if I end up with a slightly fruity pale ale, maybe i'll enjoy it even more!
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